Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This one goes out to... Leopardshadow!!! Thanks for being by my side and supporting me!!! What more could I ask for in a mom? :D



  1. Please do not advertise in my Clans chat box ! I dont know how many times i have to post this in th chat box. Im not trying to be mean, but those are the rules.

  2. Greetings, fellow warrior! Silverfang from The Warrior Gathering here. I am posting this comment in all of the Clans.

    It is the August Gathering tonight, but more than that, today is one of your last chances to vote on the proposed changed to The Warrior Code! Two ideas have been set forth, and every role-playing cat in the forest has been invited to vote FOR or AGAINST these new laws. The polls will close on September 1st. Please spread the word about these polls and announce them on your Clan so that we may have as many voters as possible. After all, this may effect all of our Clans! Thank you, and I hope to see you at The Warrior Gathering soon! *Purrs*

    The Warrior Gathering

    May StarClan always light your path,

    ~~Silverfang/Silverstar of StormClan
