Greetings and welcome to PoplarClan. I am Berrystar, leader of PoplarClan. PoplarClan bagan a long time ago, when your great-grandparents weren't even born yet. Poplar, a young tom cat, whose fur glistened dark brown, and whose eyes twinkled amber. On the day he was born, his mother received dreams from StarClan, saying he would one day lead something great. Later in the years, his mother died, and she never got the chance to tell him about the prophecy. StarClan soon sent him dreams to gather as many loners and rogues in the forest as he could. On the first day, he convinced Tiger, a light brown tom cat, and his sisters, Clover and Ginger, equally brown she-cats, to come with him. They established a small camp in a forest clearing to live. The next day, they gathered Ice, a solid white she-cat, Toad, a dark brown tom cat, Pebble, a jet black she-cat, and her sister, Raven, a black she-cat. Over the months, Poplar gathered more and more rogues and loners. When he had all the cats in the forest, he received another dream from StarClan, telling him to create a Clan, a group of cats who will defend each other with their lives, and only do right. They agreed to name the Clan, PoplarClan, and Poplar would be known as Poplarstar. Tiger was Tigertail, Clover and Ginger became Cloverheart and Gingerfoot, Ice, Toad, Pebble, and Raven became Icenose, Toadpelt, Pebbleleap, and Ravenfeather. The Clan lived on for many more years, until all those cats died out, but their kin lived on, carrying the PoplarClan memory alive.