Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Journey Part 4

The moon shone down throught the hole in the thatched roof. Tawnymist stared blankly at the blinding light and thought of all that's happened to her. She rose silently and crept over the sleeping bodies of her Clanmates and the kittypets to a stack of chopped wood and jumped up and onto the roof. She sat and wrapped her tail around her paws and sighed. Suddenly, a dark figure darted behind her. Tawnymist's neck fur rose and Tawnymist bared her teeth and whipped around to face the creature. It had the outline of a cat, but she couldn't tell if it was hostile or friendly. Then, suprisingly, Lilypetal from Pikeclan stepped into the moonlight and sat beside Tawnymist.
"What-what are you-" Tawnymist stammered, but Lilypetal interrupted.
"I followed you. You do not understand the danger you are in. Snaketail is more than a threat. He will destroy us if you are not careful. Choose the right path and the snake's poison will stop. Choose the wrong path; the worst dilemma is in store for the Clans. Choose wisely."
And with that, Lilypetal crouched and lept off the roof and raced back to the forest. Tawnymist stared after her, her words echoing in her mind: Choose the right path and the snake's poison will stop. Choose the wrong path; the worst dilemma is in store for the Clans. Tawnymist's mind whirled as she slunk back into the abandodned Twoleg nest and fell asleep, those same words swirling through her thoghts.