Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Journey Part 5

Windstreak watched as the sun rose, a new day beginning. He nudged Seabreeze awake and stretched. Rufus was already up, two mice dangling in his jaws. Clover and Poppy were sharing a vole in a corner and Tawnymist, Windpaw, Lithefoot, and Fallowheart were chatting quietly with each other.

"Thanks," Windstreak said as Rufus handed him a mouse. He took it to a corner and ate quietly.

After the cats finished, Thunderstorm climbed onto a boulder among the rubbish and glanced at the cats beneath him. "Okay," he began. "We need to gather all the kittypets in Twoleg Place. Snaketail should be coming any time, according to Rufus. We will split into groups. Fallowheart, Mistpaw, Seabreeze, and Windstreak will go south. Lithefoot, Windpaw, Tawnymist, and Cozzie will go west. Jubba, Fernpaw, Violetpaw, and Dustpaw will go east, and Rufus, Poppy, Clover, and I will go north. May StarClan light your path."

He jumped down and everyone split into their assigned groups. Windstreak sighed as he thought of the danger awaiting them in Snaketail's path. This would be hard.


  1. Berrystar (busy, cant log in)November 11, 2010 at 6:28 PM

    please bear with me! im very busy! new post this weekend! if not i will slap myself! i WILL!!!!
